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Natural Remedies for Psoriasis: Effective Treatments and Practical Tips

by 헬스 닥터 2024. 6. 19.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition characterized by red, itchy, and scaly patches. It affects millions of people worldwide, significantly impacting their daily lives. While medication is commonly prescribed, many people seek natural remedies to manage their symptoms without side effects. This article explores various natural remedies that can help manage psoriasis.


10 Natural Ways to Alleviate Psoriasis Symptoms


1. Dietary Changes

1.1 Anti-inflammatory Diet

Since psoriasis is an inflammatory condition, an anti-inflammatory diet can help alleviate symptoms. Foods included in an anti-inflammatory diet are:

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna can help reduce inflammation.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Rich in antioxidants, fruits and vegetables can help suppress inflammation.
  • Whole Grains: Unrefined grains help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation.

1.2 Gluten-free Diet

Some studies suggest that gluten can exacerbate psoriasis symptoms. Therefore, trying a gluten-free diet might be beneficial.


2. Natural Supplements

2.1 Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in skin health. While it can be obtained naturally from sunlight, supplements can also be effective.


2.2 Omega-3 Supplements

Omega-3 fatty acid supplements can help reduce inflammation and improve skin health. Combining dietary changes with supplements can enhance their effectiveness.


2.3 Probiotics

Gut health is closely linked to skin health. Probiotics can increase beneficial bacteria in the gut, strengthen the immune system, and help alleviate psoriasis symptoms.


3. Lifestyle Changes

3.1 Stress Management

Stress can worsen psoriasis symptoms, making stress management essential. Practices like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises can be helpful.


3.2 Regular Exercise

Regular exercise can strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. Both aerobic exercise and strength training are effective.


4. Natural Treatments

4.1 Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has soothing effects on the skin and can help reduce inflammation. Applying aloe vera gel directly to psoriasis-affected areas can be effective.


4.2 Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help alleviate psoriasis symptoms. It can be diluted with water and applied to the skin or added to bathwater.


4.3 Oatmeal Baths

Oatmeal baths can relieve itching and soothe the skin. Adding oatmeal to warm bath water can help calm dry and itchy skin.


5. Other Natural Remedies

5.1 Dead Sea Salt

Dead Sea salt has anti-inflammatory effects that can help alleviate psoriasis symptoms. It can be dissolved in bathwater or used in creams.


5.2 Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate psoriasis symptoms. It should always be diluted with a carrier oil before application.


5.3 Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salt can help reduce inflammation and soothe the skin. Soaking in a bath with Epsom salt for 20 minutes can improve skin health.



While psoriasis is a chronic condition with no cure, various natural remedies can effectively manage symptoms. Dietary changes, natural supplements, lifestyle modifications, and natural treatments can help alleviate psoriasis symptoms and improve the quality of life. It is crucial to consult with healthcare professionals to find the most suitable treatment for individual needs.


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